Python’s Pytube Library to Download YouTube Videos

2 min readSep 5, 2021


YouTube is a social platform for video sharing. We may spent 2 to 4 hours in YouTube and want to download some videos But YouTube doesn’t allow to download any video. In this article, We learn to download the YouTube videos in Python using Pytube library.

Pytube | the Python Library

  • Pytube is a Python library to download YouTube videos.
  • Pytube is a lightweight library written in Python. It has no third party dependencies and aims to be highly reliable.

Install the Pytube library before write the python program to download YouTube videos

  • Download the pytube librarypip install pytube

Download the single youtube video in Python

We should use the Pytube’s YouTube feature or function whenever we want to download the YouTube video.

  • Firsly, we are import our pytube library.
  • We set the url of the YouTube video to download.
  • We prepare the video to download with the quality. If you want to download the video in highest quality, then replace the line with video = youtube.streams.get_highest_resolution().
  • Download function is used to download the video in given path.

Note: If it doesn’t work then, uninstall the pytube library and reinstall. It works for me and my friends.

import pytube

url = ''

youtube = pytube.YouTube(url)
video = youtube.streams.first()'../path')

Download multiple youtube videos in Python

Here, the only different is “we are getting the youtube videos link in list format and processed with the for loop. If it doesn’t work then, uninstall the pytube library and reinstall. It works for me and my friends.

import pytube


for i in link:
yt = pytube.YouTube(i)
video = youtube.streams.first()'../Video')


Download youtube playlist in python

Here, we are using the Playlist feature or function to download the youtube playlist in python. If it doesn’t work then, uninstall the pytube library and reinstall. It works for me and my friends.

from pytube import Playlist
pl = Playlist("")
for video in pl.videos:

Download the youtube video’s audio in Python

It will the audio file in mp4 format. Don’t worry this mp4 file also support for audio. If it doesn’t work then, uninstall the pytube library and reinstall. It works for me and my friends.

import pytube

url = ''

youtube = pytube.YouTube(url)
video = youtube.streams.filter(only_audio=True).all()

You should use the get_highest_resolution() after streams to get the highest resolution of the YouTube video.




Written by Gurusabarish

Hey there!, I’m Gurusabarish. I build things for the web. A passionate web app developer. I tend to make use of modern web technologies to build websites.

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